
What Is Chronic Pain?

We’ve all felt a twinge of pain. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a paper cut, which resolves itself in minutes. Sometimes, pain can last for hours, days, or weeks, especially in the case of serious injury. But what if you’re experiencing pain for much longer? What if you’ve dealt with the same pain for months, or even years? You may be dealing with chronic pain, which can have a host of physical and mental consequences. But what is chronic pain?

What Is Chronic Pain?

What Is Chronic Pain?

A quick burst of pain – rolling your ankle or accidentally cutting your finger with a knife, for example – is known as “acute pain.” Acute pain goes away after your body heals from the source of the pain. Chronic pain, on the other hand, lasts for at least three months and can last for years in some cases. Many people experience chronic pain after an inciting incident, like an injury or illness. Unlike acute pain, chronic pain can continue long after the original source of the pain has healed. Some conditions that can cause this type of pain include past injuries, migraines, arthritis, nerve damage, chronic illness, and back problems. The pain can manifest in a variety of ways: as a dull ache, a throbbing or burning sensation, or as soreness or stiffness, just to name a few. Unfortunately, some people suffer this kind of pain even when there is no obvious inciting incident. This can be particularly frustrating, as it makes treatment more difficult.

Diagnosing Different Kinds of Pain

Before you can manage your pain, you’ll need to work with a healthcare provider to develop a plan. Most healthcare providers will explore a series of factors to diagnose chronic pain:

  • Where the pain is located on your body
  • Whether the pain is mild or severe
  • How often the pain occurs
  • What makes the pain worsen or improve
  • Whether you have any illnesses or injuries that could cause the pain
  • How much the pain affects your life

Living with Chronic Pain

Once your healthcare provider diagnoses your pain, you may be able to develop a long-term treatment plan to find relief. Some providers may focus on medication, while others may recommend holistic treatments like meditation, relaxation therapy, acupuncture, or lifestyle changes. Some providers may also recommend a physical therapy regimen that includes exercises like yoga, tai chi, stretching, or walking. And while physical interventions can be helpful, it’s crucial to keep your mental health in mind as you navigate living with pain, too. Pain can make you feel depressed, anxious, or fatigued. Pain can also interfere with your sleep, and even take a toll on your relationships as you struggle to navigate basic activities. A behavioral health professional can be an excellent asset as you work to feel better.


What is chronic pain? The basic definition is pain that lasts for at least three months. But chronic pain has much deeper implications, especially when it comes to your mental health. If you’re struggling with pain and not sure where to turn, reach out to a behavioral health professional to start feeling better.

Are you hoping to learn how to better manage chronic pain? Reed Behavioral Health offers highly individualized solutions for individuals and families who have been impacted by behavioral health problems. Our approach is different. It starts with a comprehensive and individualized assessment process so we can determine how to best help you. This includes a firm understanding of your value system and what you want out of life. Ultimately, we offer individualized care using an integrative model, working with our clients to resolve the lingering issues beyond their disorders so they can have a full life. For more information, please call us at 763-577-2489, email us at, or send us a message online. We look forward to working with you!

Reed Behavioral Health

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Reed Behavioral Health

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